
I've been reading and rereading the astoundingly delicious Adventures on the Wine Route by Kermit Lynch for at least a year now. It is so well written and such a delightful trip through wine country - from seemingly "ages" ago. Lynch writes about tasting wines from the 40s, 50s, 60s, and 70s - even the 1920s! It provides tremendous perspective, that's for sure. But what I find most compelling about the book as a whole is Lynch's search for totally unadulterated juice. Today it is appreciated (or understood?) more, perhaps; yet this idea of using modern tools and approaches gets more play, I'd argue.

Today, pop over to this post by Eric Asmiov - and spend a few extra minutes reading BOTH articles he links to, particularly the one by Cory Cartwright. Personally, I would love to see more people more naturally through the course of things embrace "the diversity" in wine.

Do you find wines with a more "modern" flare more or less appealing?  Is this idea even something you consider when you are wine shopping?
